
Sunday, February 15, 2009

2008-09 Eng.: Censorship: Concerning Huckleberry Finn's Racist Content

Jessica Beebe
Mr. Littlefield
English 11, Period 1H
1 February 2009
The Truest Slavery

Albert Einstein is synonymous with genius. And yet he is quoted as saying that “it is, in fact, nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of instruction have not entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry” (qtd. in “Wisdom Quotes”). Harsh words for our educational system! But is he in the wrong? Has the teaching of our society become entangled with restrictions? Do journalists and professors fear retribution for what they write and teach? Sadly, the response is yes. We may have freedom of the press, but our right to read these works is threatened. This is demonstrated in the practice of banning books from our institutions and is more specifically addressed in the controversy over The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Though it cited as the modern “Great American Novel” (DeForest 1865) by such literary giants as Ernest Hemmingway, Francis Scott Fitzgerald, and T.S. Elliot; it is countered as racist trash and declared unfit for school curriculums. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn should be taught on the high school level because of the amount of dignity bequeathed to the African American characters, because a society cannot allow fear to dictate what is taught, and because censorship should be avoided on principle.

In an interview on National Public Radio, Dr. Shelley Fisher Fishkin, director of American studies and professor of English at Stanford University, explained that
In many ways, Jim is a hero of Huck Finn. It is the voice of a very compelling, appealing, and complicated character for whom Twain had enormous admiration and who he wants the reader to admire. He is mature, sensitive, sharp, self-aware.

Mark Twain’s treatment of his character Jim is deserving of accolades. Twain portrays Jim as a good father figure and friend to Huck. Jim is “white inside” (Twain 596) with “an uncommon level head” that was “most always right” (369). Twain was both a man of his times and a forward thinker. In one particular example, Twain desired to help pay for one of Yale’s first black law students, explaining in 1885 that “we [Caucasians] have ground the manhood out of them and the shame is ours, not theirs, and we should pay for it.” Twain’s portrayal of the African American was a conscious step towards granting them their due freedom.

As for the two hundred plus racial slurs included in the novel, the usage of the word “n*****” was both “common speech in South” the historical time period and a racial slur, Dr. Fishkin explains. It became increasingly viewed as a racial slur as time went on and as America very slowly progressed in recognizing the equality of the African American among Caucasians. When one looks at the peer literature at the time—from both white and black writers--“n*****” was used often. What becomes important is the context from which the slur arises—time period or not. To say that Huck Finn is “the most grotesque example of racist trash ever given our children to read. . . . [and that any] teacher caught trying to use that piece of trash with our children should be fired on the spot, for he or she is either racist, insensitive, nave, incompetent or all of the above" (Wallace “Huck Finn is Racist Trash”), is the result of fear and lack of good, literary scholarship. Context and an education in irony are necessary in understanding the novel and, if mastered, lends to profound humor and clever insights that shall continue to charm generations.

Lastly, censorship of any book should be avoided on principle. There must either be enforced awareness or enforced ignorance and silence. So much better the former because,

Books won't stay banned. They won't burn. Ideas won't go to jail. In the long run of history, the censor and the inquisitor have always lost. The only sure weapon against bad ideas is better ideas. The source of better ideas is wisdom. The surest path to wisdom is a liberal education (Griswold qtd. in “Forbidden Library: Banned and Challenged Books”).

Ignorance leads to a cyclical path of trial and error, with human lives as casualties along the way. Racism is defeated not by blindness, but by active condemnation. As one man pointed out, “The purpose of a writer is to keep civilization from destroying itself” (Camus qtd. in “Forbidden Library: Banned and Challenged Books”). Twain joins the ranks of true writers by suspiciously prodding at societal assumptions. This testing ground of ideas acts as a counterbalance for what becomes the collective norm. The truth of the matter is that “if we’d eradicated the problem of racism in our society, Huckleberry Finn would be the easiest book in the world to teach” (Bradley qtd. in Mark Twain). This, however, is not the case. Racism is still alive and well. It is the fear of influencing young adults in a negative fashion that causes educators to shrink back from lecturing on the novel. But "what [then] is freedom of expression? Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist" (Rushdie qtd. in “Forbidden Library: Banned and Challenged Books”). An ability to reason and to interpret what is right and what is wrong must be forever married to the freedom to speak and to hear.

John F. Kennedy once boasted that "we are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people" (qtd. in “Forbidden Library: Banned and Challenged Books”). It would seem that our society has indeed become afraid of its own people and particularly, its youth. One cannot hope for the younger generation to become strong advocates of the weak and oppressed if they themselves are weakened by their censored education and oppressed by silence. The past—and the racism that stains it—cannot be erased simply because it is unpleasant. And indeed, "books and ideas are the most effective weapons against intolerance and ignorance” (Johnson qtd. in “Forbidden Library: Banned and Challenged Books”). The coming generation must not be left unarmed. And "fear of corrupting the mind of the younger generation is the loftiest form of cowardice" (Jackson qtd. in “Forbidden Library: Banned and Challenged Books”). The truest slavery is to cage a man’s thoughts in his mind.

Works Cited
Clemens, Samuel. "Do you know him?" Letter to Francis Wayland. 24 Dec. 1885. Mark Twain Project. UC Press. 1 Feb. 2009.
DeForest, John W. "The Great American Novel." The Nation (1868). Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities. Electronic Text Center. Charlottesville. 1 Feb. 2009 .
Einstein, Albert. "Curiosity Quotes." Comp. Jone J. Lewis. 1995-2009. Wisdom Quotes. 1 Feb. 2009.
Fishkin, Shelley. "Was Jim of 'Huckleberry Finn' a Hero?" Interview with Farai Chideya. National Public Radio. NPR. 30 Jan. 2008.
"Forbidden Library: Banned and Challenged Books." Http:// Ed. Janet Y. Elkins. 1998-2008. 03 Feb. 2009.
Leonard, James S. Making Mark Twain Work in the Classroom. New York: Duke UP, 1999.
McArthur, Debra. Mark Twain. New York: Benchmark Books, 2005. Bradley, 2000
Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. New York: Bantam Classics, 1992.
Wallace, John. Huck Finn is Racist Trash. 2 Feb. 2009.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

2008-09 Eng.: Analysis of Arthur Dimmsdale in The Scarlet Letter

Jessica Beebe
Mr. Littlefield
English 11
9 October 2008

A Portrait of Sin in Saint Dimmesdale

If one must describe “sin” with a singular utterance, then it must be the word “twisted”. It is the nature of sin to be subtle, but frighteningly damaging: perverting what seems to be good into something abominable. In the case of the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale, the distortion of his soul is one that takes place where no adoring layperson has the ability to look. Under the guise of angelic perfection, Dimmesdale’s sin is given time to take root in his heart, girded by stubbornness and fastened by the iron grip of his weakness. In the end, it becomes too engrained into his being to be extracted without fatal consequences--consequences that affect not only himself, but also the members of his church.

The Reverend Dimmesdale is “the very asphodel of spiritual perfection, refined till he is almost translucent and glassy” (Lawrence 246). Even Dimmesdale’s personal torturer, Chillingworth, first observes the minister’s “high aspirations for the welfare of his race, warm love of souls, pure sentiments, natural piety, strengthened by thought and study, and illuminated by revelation“ (141). Dimmesdale affects the whole of his congregation with “the speech of an angel” (76) and is viewed as the epitome of saintliness. He is gripping, spiritually compelling, and a source of great comfort and near worship. Yet in Hawthorne’s tale of sanctity and pecado, Dimmesdale is found to be infected by the “poison of that sin [that] had been thus rapidly diffused throughout his moral system. It…stupefied all blessed impulses, and awakened into vivid life the whole brother hood of bad ones” (237). Dimmesdale’s hypocrisy taxes him furiously, preying upon his unusually active conscience, and draining him of health and vitality.

Dimmesdale is introspective to the point of being egotistical—as oft the case with depressed men. But as also the case with depressed men, all logic and helpful introspection is thrown to Satan’s devils. As the narrator of the tale recounts, “Sad, indeed, that an introspection so profound and acute as this poor minister’s should be so miserably deceived!” (230-31). How ironic! For example, Dimmesdale attempts to shame Chillingworth for urging him to confess when he cries out “But who are thou, that meddlest in this matter?--that dares thrust himself between the sufferer and his God?’” (147).Truth be told, Dimmesdale’s soul-mutilating compromises are more than enough to come between God and himself. He attempts to reason himself out of his guilt, to momentarily numb the pain in wake of his hyperactive conscience. The unconfessed sin warps the very doctrine he was called to preserve. He callously bends Scripture when he explains to Chillingworth that

‘There can be, if I forebode aright, no power, short of Divine mercy, to disclose, whether by uttered words, or by type or emblem, the secrets that my be buried with a human heart…Nor have I so read or interpreted Holy Write, as to understand that the disclosure of human thought as and deeds, then to be made is intended as a part of the retribution’ (143).
Dimmesdale goes even further to say that to stay silent is to delay gratification of confessing sins on the Judgment Day. When his arguments do hold up to the light of truth, he has “a ready faculty, indeed, [for] escaping from any topic that [agitates] his too sensitive and nervous temperament” (145).

Arthur Dimmesdale attempts to bring a sort of twisted good from his deadly sin. But as with most sins, the ensuing consequence does not fall to Dimmesdale alone, but also to church. Commentator Carol Bensick cites the damage done to Dimmesdale’s congregation when she explains that thenarrator implies that the hypocrite minister has created a hypocrite congregation. They think they love God: but they only love Arthur. All these conversions chalked to his credit are false. Believing they are saved, they have in fact fallen into a sin deadlier than adultery. Not aware of it, they cannot even repent it. Instead of helping his parishioners to heaven, Dimmesdale has put them on the path to hell.

In failing to obey God, Dimmesdale brought upon his beloved parish an even more fertile field for Satan’s subtle seeds of idolatry to be sown. Though this is all obvious to the reader, the theological justification for this heretical worship was “to make his congregation fall in love with Christ… [to act as] Christ for his parish, with the intention that they [would] ultimately shift their love to the divine bridegroom.” Dimmesdale’s attempt to not do ill to others by his confession has ultimately lead to great harm.

Though one quickly jumps to the sin of adultery as the main focus of the novel, is it not true that Satan works best in subtly? How clever of Hawthorne, to place his audience in the place of the sheep-like congregation in their perspective of the esteemed reverend, Arthur Dimmesdale! In the conclusion of the novel, it may be tempting to respond as the blind townsfolk did and paint Arthur as a tragic hero. Readers often believe that Arthur’s grievous sin is singularly sown into the flourished threads of the scarlet letter upon Hester’s chest. Sin, however, is no single-headed monster. Rather, it is a lethal virus, bringing the whole of a being’s soul to its knees with a single blow. The inherent, fallen nature of man, not to be outdone by this attack, responds with rebellion towards the Creator. In The Scarlet Letter’s tale of passion, hypocrisy, sin, and holiness; the hand of the Creator’s wrath is heavily upon the wretched minister. The Reverend Dimmesdale’s judgment is the wreckage of his frail life and the uprooting of truth from the Boston.

Works Cited
Bensick, Carol M. "Dimmesdale and his bachelorhood: 'priestly celibacy' in 'The Scarlet Letter.'" Studies in American Fiction (1993). BNet. 1993. BNET Business Network. 10 Nov. 2008 .
Melville, Herman, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Mark Twain. Four Great American Classics. New York: Bantam Classics, 1992.
Worthen, John, Lindeth Vasey, and Ezra Greenspan, eds. Studies in Classic American Literature. New York: Cambridge UP, 2002. Google Books. Google. 10 Nov. 2008 .

"Can We Trust the Gospels?" Seminar



It is a rather odd interest for a teenage girl, but I enjoy Latin. Hence, the incomprehensible url add res: "a mens suscitatio", which means "a mind awake". The title was derived from the book A Mind Awake: An Anthology of C.S. Lewis, I found the title appropriate for my aims and I am enamoured with all things associated with Lewis.

I intend to use this blog as a sort of scholarly journal for my own personal use (a kind of "adequatio intellectus et rei" [that is, correspondence between the mind and reality]): a storage of ideas that I wish to capture and organize with good knowledge, research, and writing. I may also use it as a database of articles that interest me.

To those who stumble across this blog, welcome.